The intersection of wet and dry bulb temperatures on the chart, together with the relative humidity line, can be used to determine all psychrometric properties of air. Gatley, 17 Carrier compiled chaart data to create a descendant of the Psychrometric Chart, called the Hygrometric Chart: Other websites that we found interesting is that of Wikipedia on Psychrometrics.ĪPARATURA CHEMICZNA I PROCESOWA WARYCH PDFĬreate an unlimited number of psychrometric chart projects. The program on the CD allows the user to plot typical psychrometric processes and perform the corresponding energy calculations on-screen, without having to first print out the individual charts. Therefore, the carirer temperature of the air at 90 degrees Fahrenheit wet-bulb temperature and 80 degrees dry-bulb temperature is 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, refer to the diagonal wet-bulb line of 68 degrees in the previous problem.

Now find the diagonal right-to-left line marked 70 degrees, and envision an imaginary line to the degrees vertical line. Chapter 10b: The Psychrometric Chart (Updated 7/22/) Gatley, 16 The most relevant gases that psychrometrics examine are air and water vapor, as controlling a water vapor-saturated environment is important in the fields of air ventilation, humidification, agriculture, meteorology, etc. Both guides reduce the confusion by separately explaining 4 of the 6 sets of curves which make up a psychrometric chart. A cooling of air temperature represents a shift to the left. How does a Psychrometric Chart Work? Also, you can create templates that you can reuse over and over again.Īs you move your finger around the graph, the psychrometric properties at the top of the screen dynamically update. This program was originally created by Hands Down Software. The humidity ratio is the located on the vertical axis. Thompson, 2 The technical nature of this early psychrometric chart is not very important for your understanding, as the modern psychroemtric chart chaft new variables, which will be explained later. But, I can guarantee that possessing sound, theoretical knowledge of psychrometrics will help you understand more about how ventilation systems function, as well enable you to simplify the technical workings of the systems when talking to clients.
The air in contact with the windows will become colder until the dew point is reached. A tool used by engineers and ventilation professionals to determine psychrometric caerier such as the relative humidity, humidity ratio, and relative humidity.Ī dry bulb air temperature thermometer reads degrees Fahrenheit and a wet bulb thermometer reads 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Purchase Understanding Psychrometrics, 3rd ed. Create psychrometric processes by plotting points then connecting them with process lines. Simplified, the amount of water vapor in the air. Wet bulb temperature is represented by the diagonal lines that slope from right-to-left. The solution processes the data collected from psychometric operations. What is the dewpoint temperature of the air at 90 degrees Fahrenheit wet-bulb temperature and 80 degrees dry-bulb temperature? In addition, you can double-tap a point to display the point properties and carrir edit them. No, it is not an offshoot of Scientology-thank goodness. Dry-bulb temperature cqrrier indicated on the x-axis of the psychrometric chart.

The horizontal axis is air temperature, also known as dry-bulb temperature, which is indicated by the reading of an unwetted bulb in a thermometer. 35 40 45 50 0,36 55 Carrier PSYCHROMETRIC CHART NORMAL. ▫ Use chart to analyze processes involving moist air. W H Carrier, rational psychro- metric formulae, psychrometric chart, invention of centrifugal.